On 15/05/2020 6:41 pm, fredvs wrote:
> Ha, ok, yes for me too, Java for eat, Pascal for fun.

Exactly. I still love Object Pascal. For 20 something years it has
been my living. But in recent years that got harder and harder. My
second choice has always been Java, and a year ago I finally made
the switch. A HUGE learning curve though. Not so much the language,
but more the massive framework included with Java and all the other
frameworks that make up the JavaEE ecosystem. So much to learn, but
it is awesome! Java development really is amazing.

> About tiOFP, sorry for that question but it puzzle me since the beginning...
> What means those five letters (tiOFP) ?

No worries - most people probably don't know that answer either. :-D

tiOPF stands for TechInsite Object Persistence Framework. The original
creator of the framework, Peter Hinrichsen, had a company called
TechInsite Pty Ltd, based in Melbourne, Australia. He developed
the framework for his business needs and clients, and eventually
open sourced it somewhere in the late 90's.

>> On the fpGUI front, I'm busy working on a MacOS Cocoa.
> Wow, this one is a big fish and would be wonderful.

Yes, that has been a highly requested feature for many years. As I
now work daily on a Mac, I thought it's a good time to implement it.
Before I never had access to a Mac.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp

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