Hello Roland!

> For the options ("No icons", "No lateral", etc.) I don't like much the
checkboxes. I would have prefered to set the options in the code.

Ha, ok it is easy to do (but then people will not have choise at run time).

> When I try to unroll the "Filter" listbox, the edit becomes larger. Is it

Yes, to fit all the filter line but you are right, maybe a splitter would be
better there, I will check this.

> Multiple extensions in filter doesn't work, or I didn't used the
> appropriate
format. I used "*bmp;*png". 
>I noticed the same issue with the original
component (tfilenameedit).

Sorry maybe not understood, do you mean a multi-filter?

There is a demo here:

To define the filter list it does like this on button click (see :

procedure tmainfo.onex(const Sender: TObject);
  dialogkind: filedialogkindty;
  ara, arb: msestringarty;
  setlength(ara, 5);
  setlength(arb, 5);

  ara[0] := 'Pascal';
  ara[1] := 'C';
  ara[2] := 'Java';
  ara[3] := 'Python';
  ara[4] := 'All';

  arb[0] := '"*.pp" "*.pas" "*.inc" "*.dpr" "*.lpr"';
  arb[1] := '"*.c" "*.cpp" "*.h"';
  arb[2] := '"*.java"';
  arb[3] := '"*.py"';
  arb[4] := '"*.*"';

  tfiledialogx1.controller.filterlist.asarraya := ara;
  tfiledialogx1.controller.filterlist.asarrayb := arb;


> I don't see what is the purpose of the listbox "Selected directory" (at
> the
bottom of the window). 

Ha, ok, maybe for directory-list is not needed and makes double usage of the
directory combobox in top of window.
Usually it is used to edit filename.

But you are right, for directories list it may be hidden.
I will check it.

Thanks Roland.

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