
I just came to the realisation that the Messages window (compiler output
window) is very limited.

1. I can't search the output. eg: I was looking for Range Check errors/hints,
   but had to scroll through 1000's of lines of output for fpGUI framework,
   and manually try and spot the Range Check hints.

   If I could search the output shown in the Messages window, that would
   have be perfect.

2. After (1) was not possible, I thought I would select all the compiler
   output and paste in into a text editor, and search that way. Ctrl+A
   only selects one line of the output.

   There is a context popup menu in the Messages window. I tried the option
   "Select All", and it did exactly the same. Only selects one line of

   Luckily the "Copy to clipboard" menu item in the context menu does
   the trick. But what's the point of "Select All" then? It doesn't do
   what it says.


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