On Tue, 18 May 2021 11:30:32 -0700 (MST)
fredvs <fi...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> (But I like your first peace of code too.)

Well, let that second piece rest in peace, rather...

> For the new code, maybe using a variant variable and create a new
> sumfield() procedure:

Yes, that might be a more general solution. It's maybe a bit clumsy
because of the neccessary _explicit_ coercion conversions, but it will
probabely work in all cases, or can be made to do so.

> procedure tmsebufdataset.sumfield(const afield: tfield; out asum:
> variant);
> But for this, we need a variant-guru (I am beginner in variant type).

Well, I'm definitively _not_ one - I even depise variants and avoid
them where possible. Variants are really not a data type, at least not
a _simple_ one. They are rather complex records containing a variant
part for the real data, preceded by a description of what it entails.
And this description has to be provided by the issuer, when a variant
is built. Although this can be done implicitely by the compiler at
times, i.e. if it can predetermine what the variant is meant to contain.

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