On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 5:31 PM Fred vS <> wrote:

> Hello Med.
> Thanks for the link!
> Hum, in your zip file there are mails from from 2022-01-27 to 2023-07-29.
> I did check the files that I downloaded yesterday and there are all the
> mails from mail0000 2011-10-25 to last mail of yesterday.
> So I uploaded that zip file (42 megas) as asset.
> Finally we are safe, we get it.
> Now the question: what are we gonna do with it?
> Any proposition is welcome!
> Fre;D
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Fred vS <>
> *Envoyé :* lundi 28 août 2023 16:13
> *À :* mohamed hamza <>
> *Objet :* RE: MailList
> Re-re hello Med.
> In previous mail the asset was > 80 megas because in the zip was added the
> zip of the content.
> This was removed and I uploaded a new asset, this one is 42 megas  from
> first mail 2011 to yesterday.
> At the end we are safe, we get it.
> Now the question: what are we gonna do with it?
> All proposition is welcome!
> Fre;D
> ------------------------------
> *De :* mohamed hamza <>
> *Envoyé :* lundi 28 août 2023 13:00
> *À :* Fred van Stappen <>
> *Objet :* MailList
> Hello Fred,
> I shared MailList at google drive .
> Med
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