Hello everybody.

Does somebody knows SDL and have already used applications done with it it?


There is a other gem in MSEuniverse:

In the readme.txt:

Main concept of porting MSEgui to Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android and iOS :
- Use SDL 2 for windowing, input event, thread management, networking, audio, 
and I/O management for all OS
- Use OpenGL context only for drawing from SDL2.0 
- 2 options for 2D drawing engine, use cairo or mseopenglgdi.pas
- Use cairo for drawing engine, put pixels from cairo surface to opengl texture.


But the demo is not out-of-the-box, it uses custom mse*** files that needs to 
be updated.

And before to maybe enter into a new battle, I would like to know if it is 
worth it.

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