On 2013-02-08, Robert Henig <rhe...@redwoodsys.com> wrote:

> gSlaTxFrame.payloadPtr is a char*, so
> gSlaTxFrame.payloadPtr[gSlaTxFrame.pos]. You are more expert then me
> with compilers so I won't argue. But it is strange to me that or'ing
> char into the low byte of an unsigned short causes the high byte of
> the short to become 0xff.

You're not or-ing a char into the low byte of an unsigned short.

You're promoting a char to an short, and then or-ing that short short
into the destination unsigned short.

When the signed char is promited to a 16-bit integer, it is
sign-extended (that's what the sxt instruction is for).

  0x00-0x7f   promotes to   0x0000-0x007f
  0x80-0xff   promotes to   0xff80-0xffff

That's the way it works according to the C language standard.

If the sxt instruction wasn't there, the generated code would be

> I will do some tests to verify.
> += instead of |= fixes the problem in the code.

Only if you can assume the low byte of the destination is 0x00 to
start with.  If not, then you won't get the right result.

A better solution would probably be:

  short-dest |= (unsigned char)whatever;

If you're just shuffling 8-bit wide chunks of data around, always,
always, always use unsigned char.  Or better yet, uint8_t.
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