Keep in mind you cannot raise the cache size above 80 or 100 GB (can't 
remember) via the UI, batch, or .vbs. Actually opened a call with Microsoft and 
found out it works with PowerShell!

Here is the script we use to set the cache to 150GB. Name the file 
CacheSize.ps1 and we just run a 'Run Command Line' task in a task sequence. 
Should also work as a package/app. Defaults to 50GB if you don't specify a 

powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file CacheSize.ps1 153600

    $cachesize = 51200

$cache = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent -Class CacheConfig

write-host "Current SCCM Cache Size:"$cache.size"MB." -foregroundcolor cyan
write-host ""
if ($cachesize -ge 51200) {
    write-host "Changing SCCM Cache Size to $cachesize MB..." -foregroundcolor 
    $cache.Size = $cachesize
    $cache.Put() | out-null
    write-host "Restarting CCMEXEC service..." -foregroundcolor cyan
    restart-service ccmexec
    write-host "Current SCCM Cache Size: "$cache.size  -foregroundcolor green
} elseif ($cachesize -lt 51200) {
    write-host "Changing SCCM Cache Size to 51200 MB..." -foregroundcolor cyan
    $cache.Size = 51200
    $cache.Put() | out-null
    write-host "Restarting CCMEXEC service..." -foregroundcolor cyan
    restart-service ccmexec
    write-host "Current SCCM Cache Size: "$cache.size  -foregroundcolor green

Daniel Ratliff

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Todd Hemsell
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [mssms] CM12 - Inventory Cache Size and Usage

God bless!

No, I need this one in particular because I am going to use the "persist 
content in cache" to handle self healing. So I need to know when the cache is 
getting full so I can raise it.

I will write a sscript to send the the "Full machines" that removes content not 
marked as persist, and if there is not enough room left after that, raise the 
cache size.

Other suggestions welcomed!

thanks again!

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Sherry Kissinger 
<<>> wrote:
[ SMS_Report (TRUE),
  SMS_Group_Name ("SMS Advanced Client Cache"),
  Namespace ("root\\\\ccm\\\\softmgmtagent") ]
class CacheConfig : SMS_Class_Template
    [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]
    String     ConfigKey;
    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
    Boolean     InUse;
    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
    String     Location;
    [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]
    UInt32     Size;

Just save that as whatever-you-want.mof,  import that, if you have a CAS (I 
hope you don't but if you do), do so at the CAS.

need/want anything else?  what SQL puts in WMI? the LocalGroupmembers one? Dot 
Net versions?  Those are the most popular...

Sherry Kissinger
Microsoft MVP - ConfigMgr<>
From: Todd Hemsell <<>>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:36 PM
Subject: [mssms] CM12 - Inventory Cache Size and Usage

Has anyone edited the CM12 "mof" to collect information about the SCCM client 



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