Has anyone run across an issue like this before? It was working fine
in CM07, but no love in CM12

For some reason there is no usage data for acad.exe

It is installed and being used, but data is not collected.

Those systems ARE sending up usage data for other applications, just not autocad

We verified acad.exe is in the process list when autocad is running

Select * From        vSMS_MeteredProductRule Where FileName =
'acad.exe' -- 1 result

-- RuleID = 16777426

-- SecurityKey = CEN00210

Select * From        v_MeterRuleInstallBase Where RuleID = 16777426
-- 577 results so SCCM sees it installed

-- MeteredFileID = 72057594038012197

Select * From        MeterData Where FileID = 72057594038012197 -- no results

Select * From        v_GS_SoftwareUsageData Where FileName =
'acad.exe' -- no results

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