Has anyone updated their SCCM WSUS with KB 2938066? Thankfully MS has a client update for Win 8 and Server 2012, but it looks like Win 7 machines will need to "AutoUpdate". So far, I've found this blog: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4ed5056f-4c7b-44a3-9d77-8e16611e3335/wsus-update-kb2938066-and-sccm-2012-r2?forum=configmanagersecurity, which recommends using a vbscript from Jason of CONFIGMGRFTW: http://blog.configmgrftw.com/the-wua-dilemma-in-configmgr/. I haven't tried that, yet, but it's only a workaround because AU is turned off by policy.
I'm worried that SCCM clients will still need to be updated every time the SMS agent is installed or repaired if the standalone windows update client got re-installed as part of that process, too. Any thoughts? Thanks, Russell