so i did the trick of adding the blank text file to each directory in the 
source folders, then reimported.

this has worked, and some kind soul wrote a batch file for the purpose, still 
such an irritation, in what is a mature product.

thanks all

PUSHD %~dp0
for /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /ad /b /s') DO (
echo. > "%%G\%~n0.txt"

Stuart Watret

Offshore - IT Ltd

From: <> on behalf 
of Chris Carbone <>
Sent: 09 January 2015 14:15
Subject: [mssms] RE: driver package mayhem

I have also seen this numerous times. Usually what fixes this is if you add the 
ini field under drivers and delete any duplicate ini names and THEN create a 
driver package the 0 byte size issue goes away. Good luck, this can be an 
aggravating problem.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Stuart Watret
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 5:26 AM
Subject: [mssms] driver package mayhem

?TS was failing, tracked down to 7 driver packages with 0 bytes in size.

Seen this before, thought you just updated dp's and off you go, no dice.

So I have deleted all the driver packages, and the package folders (they were 
blank too)

Re-creating a new driver pack for the hp 6005, wizard, says yes, package folder 
is empty.

DriverCat log says, this driver has already been imported for each inf it finds.

Stuck - what now, I'd delete the drivers (under drivers) but some are shared 
with other models that work.

Is there a route forward, or ditch them all and start again...............

Stuart Watret

Offshore - IT Ltd

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