Juuussst in case you didn't know already:

Thursday.....Friday.....Saturday, and then there is another MSX-fair 
in Zandvoort, the Netherlands (september 19).
The place: sporthal (in English = ???) Pellikaan (double L, no 
writing error), Moolenstraat 5 in Zandvoort. It's very close to the 
train station, if you get there, you can just follow the masses (?) 
flowing into the building....    :-))

Time: 10.00-17.00 hours.
Entrance fee: fl. 7,50 dutch guilders

Get a fl. 2,50 discount with a discount ticket, available at:

http://www.twente.nl/~cce/index.htm   (computerclub Enschede)

Dutch & English versions available, both in text & HTML format.


Alwin Henseler,

'webmaster' for the (small !) computer users group Enschede

One more thing: don't forget your umbrella....   :-<

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