
Perhaps some people remember that a few years ago some people were working
on a MIDI sequencer for MSX called MCeq junior. Well, I was one of them. I
found the source of our own operating system on my harddisk and decided
to put it on the Web. This way our work can still be usefull. There is
only one problem: The file has been damaged. Most of it is still readible,
luckily. If I manage to dig up an undamaged version, I will let you know.

You can find more information and the sources (49kB zip-file, including
some dutch documentation in Word) on

| Sander Kooijmans                         ____                       |
|                                     |   /    \                      |
| student Technische Informatica     -+- |  |   |                     |
|                                     |  |  |---|                     |
| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |_ |__|                         |
| http://www.stack.nl/~sanderk            \____/                      |
|                                                                     |

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