] Note & Disclaimer: I haven't got the foggiest idea at which cable
] lenghts these effects will actually occur. I guess this depends heavily
] on cable diameter and IC specs (voltage ranges which define and distiguish
] logical '0' and '1') etc...
Then we really do have to experiment. Especially since the IC specs can and 
will differ between different MSX models. The joystick port is connected to a 
real PSG, to some kind of MSX engine with build-in PSG or to a buffer which 
has been placed between the real or cloned PSG and the port...

And we should make sure that the protocol is smart enough to handle 'slow' 
(compared to the cpu speed) changing lines. When the line is somewhere 
between low and high for a too long time, you can get flipping 0/1 levels 
because of noice. Flipping long enough for the CPU to notice it...

Kind regards,
Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format

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