Maarten ter Huurne wrote:
>Current signal names are like this:
>1    I    FWD   : DR0 IN   ->  6
>2    I    BACK  : DR1 IN   ->  7
>3    I    LEFT  : ACK IN   ->  8
>4    I    RIGHT : x
>5         +5V   : x
>6    I/O  TRG_A : DR0 OUT  ->  1
>7    I/O  TRG_B : DR1 OUT  ->  2
>8    O    OUT   : ACK OUT  ->  3
>9    GND        : x
>I didn't connect the grounds because I was out of wire. Is there a reason
>why the grounds should be connected?

please, ground, Ground, GROUND! :-)
First of all, it's not only safer for your MSX's "intestines", but should
also improve your signal strength (less errors)

If there is no ground between the two computers there's no real
electricity flow. Most of the time it just feedbacks tru either one of
the other lines (bad, bad!) so you can still get some signal.
But this is neither good for you, nor for your MSX.
So PLEASE ground! :-)

[about usefull programs]
>Should be easy to make. I transferred King's Valley ROM back and forth a
>couple of times. Current transfer rate is only 1.2 kilobyte per second, but
>you can probably expect at least 2 kilobyte per second of the optimized
>code. Also, using 7MHz or R800 mode greatly speeds up the transfer.

1.2Kb/s == 9.6KB/s divided by 2 signal lines == 4.8KB/s per line ~4900bits/s
Not bad! not bad at all!

That means you can transfer a full floppy of 720Kb in *think* *think*
10 minutes flat! Sounds a lot less positive eh? :-)
Hmm, come to think of it: didn't my old MSX1 tapes work at
4800bps? :-)

But seriously, while transfering the KV-ROM image back and forth; any

About using connectors:
Can't you just buy DB9 connectors in your local hardware shop?!
This way you can just solder your own cable and it fits right away.
The only problem here is, that you have to prematurely know how
many computers you're going to connect!

So! When's are Pascal and C libs coming Maarten?! >;-)

PS: Thanks to Maarten for pointing out the error in my schematic :-)


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