Hello to everybody

The reason of this message is for asking if anyone has the 
Fdisk and Map programmes for using more than 15 partitions on 
Novaxis SCSI interfaces.

Some time ago I was told by Alberto Valverde (Finland) that 
such programmes existed, and I would be very grateful if 
someone could tell me -if not send- where I can find both 
(Note: I have Novaxis 1.50. May be any problem with the latest 

Another question I have is that I have now a HDD and a 
internal ZIP.
HDD is Target ID 0 and ZIP is Target ID 1. I suppose first it will 
fill the six present partitions with the ones of the HDD, and then 
the next ones will be the remaining -occult- partitions of HDD 
and finally the ZIP ones, which status will be occult.
For being able to access to the ZIP partitions I just have to use 
MAP programme. Am I right? Or does it work in other way?

Thank you very much and have a happy new year

Kind regards from Barcelona, Spain

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