
This message is going to be brief and concise.
I have already an MSX roms database and a bloke of mine has designed an
AWK script that deals with the database.
The snag about it is that it seems more and more clear to me that the
webmaster is NOT going to let me host the cgi and the database in his server,
so I am asking: is there anybody here who, on the benefit of the MSX
community would be willing to help and let me host this stuff into his
I am not a hacker nor is my intention to cause problems. I just want a place
to store the stuff. I'm currently looking for free web pages, but haven't
found any that lets me store cgi's :(((((

If you think you can, contact me and we can talk about it. I have even already
written the Release Message i'll send to this list when everything is up
and running. A few of you may already know about this database.
It has the following fields:

and version 2.0 stores 1,100 records!!!

but I won't tell more till the hosting problem is solved. Don't want to
create false expectatives.


Manuel Soler

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