> Hello MSX freaks!
> Anybody have game called "The Great Giana Sisters" ?
> Please, send me this game or upload in Funet...
> Thanks.

        Unfortunately I don't have that game you are looking for,
but I would like to ask you something.
        Some time ago (2 years), Egor Vosnessenski gave me your
address because I was looking for MSX clubs still working
in Russia. He said me that your was the last one.
        I make a diskmagazine in Portuguese called MSXMIX, and
then would be so nice if you could write an artcile telling
about MSX past n Russia, what kind of MSX you have, and
about the nowadays situation of MSX and MSX users and
clubs. The MSX situation in Russia is very interesting
because I know that your government started to buy MSX with
educational purposes. And as I don't know how the things
really are in Russia (USSR is so big...) I keep thinking
about some points:
        1 - Before Perestroika, people could buy MSX ? (here in
Brazil we could'nt buy imported MSX until 1989, when the
'market reserve' and many protections for our industry were
removed). And now ?
        2 -  MSX is still used in Schools, industry and oficces ?
Or Russia was also invaded by PC ? (like Brazil, where MSX
is now just like a hobby).
        3 - Was really a MSX in the Mir Space Station ? In a
Brazilian magazine called 'MSX Viper' the writer told that
an astronaut went to the Mir with your MSX. May the
astronauts bring things like MSX computers to the space ?
Are there MSX still working in the Mir control or another
Russian important research/space/military projects ?
        I also collect MSX software, then I would be very pleased
if we could trade old MSX1 games and demos. Egor send me 2
demos called 'The miner demo' and 'Lshit', then I adapted
them to run in every MSX machine (because they use some
RST38H to jump to RAM in slot 3), but I would like to have
more. I can send you Brazilian old an PD software too.
        If you want, I can write a overall MSX situation in Brazil
article, specially for you and MSX Russian users.
        If you don't know me, I am from MSX CORE CLUB. We don't
sell anything and all we made is freeware. Our work is MSX
just by MSX to keep MSX alive.
        Thank you very much
        Werner Kai

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