Maarten ter Huurne wrote:
>By the way, how many people have made a cable so far? If any of you would
>like to beta-test my software, mail me.

I have! :) Your test program worked like a charm. Although I would like to
get some more testresults back from it. i.e. test all pins seperately, then
all possible combinations. Like:

    Send          Recv
 X   -   -     X   -   -
 -   X   -     -   X   -
 -   -   X     -   -   X
 X   X   -     X   X   -
 X   -   X     X   -   X
 -   X   X     -   X   X
 X   X   X     X   X   X

I'd love to betatest as well. I just hope you can stand being nagged about
small bugs/enhancements. I'm really good at that, I just proved that with my
message above ;)

I'd also like to see how many people already have a cable. So if you have,
just drop a line here in the MSX-ML!



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