At 18:16 29/01/99 +0100, you wrote:
>>>That's true. MSX games indeed have a certain "magic". I played Dragon
>>>6 and XAK on the SNES, but it just isn't the same. Maybe it's the music or
>>>maybe it is the graphics. But a fact is that MSX games are best on a real
>>>MSX. I have the same with MSX emulators. That's also not the same as the
>>>real thing. I don't know why. I just feel that way.
>>Maybe that's what they call nostalgia? I agree with you that certain
>>games will be better on an MSX than on other systems. I still get the
>>creeps when I play Metal Gear 2 when guards see mee (I did when Metal
>>Gear (3) Solid was announced, in fact it is the reason I bought a PSX
>>(that and Konami MSX Antiques vol 1, 2 and 3 )). I think it has
>>something to do with playing a game for the first time. If you play it
>>for the second time (and on an other system), you know the storyline
>>already and you pay attention to other things. Just like a remake of an
>>old movie or something.
>>I played Castlevania on the PSX (my first PSX game, because of the audio
>>CD) and that had that "feeling" again. And later, Metal Gear Solid. It
>>is the true sequal to MG2-Solid Snake.
>Have you played Metal gear 1 & 2 or Contra on the NES??? Terrible!!! Still a
>lot of people think that's the origin of those games.

        Recently in Brazil we MSXers had some quarrelling with one or two game
magazines, when they prepared articles about Metal Gear Solid. They were
saying that Snake's Revenge (something similar to Metal Gear 1 - it isn't
Metal Gear, it can't be!) was the predecessor to Metal Gear Solid. However,
we've some friends who are Brazilian like us and lives in Japan, and they
read in MGS's manual something like that: 
        Metal Gear 1 - MSX 2 - 1987
        Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake - MSX 2 - 1989
        Metal Gear Solid - PSX - 1998

        And... Snake's Revenge, from NES, ISN'T a game from MG chronology, it was
an attempt from Ultra Games to do something similar to Metal Gear to the NES. 

        Finally, the people from the magazines were sorry 4 the mistake (they
don't read manuals!), but they hadn't done any correction. So, all
brain-washed readers thought that Metal Gear Solid were a sequence to that
s**t called Snake's Revenge. 


        Only MSX have that playability...

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