>  My remark "New Flash == Slow RAM" isn't about internal technology,
>  but only to suggest that Flash can be as easy to use as SRAM for
>  nonvolatile storage. My point is that "complex" algorithms aren't
>  needed for all Flash devices.
>  Simple deblocking routines can make the page-mode transparent to
>  applications, and make use of Flash burst-mode transfers. Flash
>  does have the drawback of slower writes, and a limited lifetime
>  of write-cycles.

There is also a advantage when using Flash memory instead of S-RAM.
Flash memory doesn't use external components to keep the contents when you
off you computer.

About the limited lifetime : I don't think this is very bad at all... How
many writes are done
under normal conditions in one year???
A game : let's say 1000??? (for savegames only)
Settings for some programs : 30 times in a year???

Hmmmm.... What was the subject that resulted into these Flash memory

Greetings from Erik Maas

p.s. At the time I only know one released project that uses normal Flash
memory (29F???)
and that's an IDE interface from Sunrise Swiss. Very nice for a software
At the time it was released, the software contained a lot of 'undocumented
features' (bugs).
I wonder if the software is mature now, still haven't tried anything with

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