Hi!  |
     (n n)

    Nelson M. Leiva L. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> (...) anybody knows how to make to work the game
> Head Over Heels in the fmsx (...)

    You can't, not the way the game can be found at FUNET
(I suppose you got it there or from some mirror site).
The problem is: the game loading routines don't recognize
expanded slots. fMSX starts with a lot of expanded slots as
default. You can try BRMSX, which starts without any expanded
slot, as default. Games like "Survivor" and "Amaurote" have
the same problem. To run them in fMSX, you must extract
the game data from the loading blocks and join them in the
proper order, with the proper redundant data (if required),
and sometimes with a bit of coding to present the opening

    When I received the letter, I tried to make the
convertion in the Sparc Station I was working, but I found
two very annoying problems: first, the game from FUNET is
packed with LHA, to which I have no source to compile in
Unix. I tried to copy the file to an MSX disk and then
unpack it using MSX version of LHA. It was then that I found
the second problem: I couldn't compile fMSX in the Sparc. It
reported a missing file (probably the sound package). fMSX
doesn't compile without it, even if you specify you don't
want any damn sound. That's why I only brought the solution
today (I had to go home to unpack the file).

    "Head Over Heels" has no opening screen, what is good
for it doesn't require any coding to load. I just had to
extract the game from the blocks and join them in a ".Com"
file. The BASIC loader also had some cheat codes, which are
explained in a package within the game. My doubt is, can
I upload the game back to FUNET? Where in FUNET can I get
MSX version of LHA? I couldn't find it (even if I could
compile fMSX, I wouldn't be able to extract the game...)

    For Nelson: may I send the game "uuencoded"? It is
45 KB, already encoded (33 KB original). I cannot attach,
because the system is partially down and I cannot use
any graphical mailing tool (I have the foggiest idea of
how to do it with "mail"). Waiting for a reply...

                                         ... Cyberknight...
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