I wrote this on Sunrise's guestbook this evening, I hope they will at least read it and tell us what we want to know:

Okay, okay, it is a great page, there is a lot of software for download not to mention the hardware... But there is no technical info about your interfaces! If you really want to sell your hardware, let us know how it works and do not try to keep this as your secret! I've been trying to find out which ports does the IDE interface use for its I/O, but couldn't find any kind of info about, and when I asked Henrik, I got silence as a response... Do you really think anybody will develop software for it if we have to disassemble the full IDE BIOS in order to try to find out how the hell it works? Don't be silly and make a "Technical Sheets" section, with detailed info about your hardware, so people who can really write better software than Henrik can begin working on it. If you're keeping this info for you, you're harming even more the MSX instead of making it survive... Think long about that.

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