Bilderbeek J  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

> Just a question: does anyone know how to start up a Mailinglist (no
> I don't want to start another MSX list...)

It is simple:

a) Tell possible subscribers what this mailing-list is, or what it's 
about, how to subscribe/unsubscribe

b) For anyone telling you he/she wants to subscribe to the list, add 
his/her e-mail address to your list (=the mailing-list)

c) For anyone telling you he/she wants to unsubscribe, check if their 
e-mail address is on your list, and if so, remove it again

d) For any messages that need to be 'posted' on this mailing-list, 
send an e-mail with this message to the e-mail addresses on your list 
(=the mailing-list)

e) If this gets too much work, use a computer to do the dirty work.

That's it!


Alwin Henseler    ([EMAIL PROTECTED])     (MSX Tech Doc page)    (Computerclub Enschede)

MSX Mailinglist. To unsubscribe, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
in the body (not subject) "unsubscribe msx [EMAIL PROTECTED]" (without the
quotes :-) Problems? contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (

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