Toni Burguera wrote:

>And, on the other hand, perhaps it will be more good idea to program other
>games, like a second Vampire Killer, or a new Nemesis (eh, Nestor...)...
>What do you think?

Yes, we at TNI thought it would be cool too. 
We have ideas for a second Vampire Killer, we even have a Super Deform
version in mind! :)
Also we have idea's for a new shooting game which will be loosely based on
the Nemesis saga.

These ideas are already 2 years old I think. The problem is... We don't
have anyone to program these games! And good graphicians aren't easy to
find either.

Also, about 4 years ago I started thinking about a huge Cyberpunk RPG,
kinda like SD-Snatcher but real-time and very realistic... And what do I
see??? The PC-game Bladerunner (a cyberpunk point-and-click game BTW)
'stole' almost ALL of my ideas! :(((
I should've patented them 4 years ago... ;) GRRR!
For those who've played Umax' Pumpkin Adventure III: In one of the inns
there's a TNI-member (there's lots of jokes about us in PA3 btw) talking
about a game that's gonna be 40 disks big, well that's this game :)

Anyway... I'd love to discuss our ideas with someone, so if you're serious
about making a GOOD game, e-mail me.



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