
Patrick Kramer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:

> Does anyone have a schematic of a memory mapper that can use 1 MB
> SIMMs ?

Drawing up such a schematic is easy...making print layout & building 
it, that's the real work.

> 2nd question: where do I get 50 pin header connectors or
> experimental MSX slot PCB's ?

Your local electronics shop should have those connectors.
To get such an experimental board:
There exist sheets with PCB layout symbols, for creating layouts used 
as 'masks' for UV photo-sensitive board. You can also apply these 
symbols directly to blank copper board, and use that for the etching 
There are connector symbols, which have the exact same spacing as the 
MSX cartridge connector (standard 0.1 inch / 2.54 mm).

> 3rd question: anybody happens to have the schematics of a Canon V20
> MSX1 ?

Is this an interesting machine on the inside?        =;-}

> 4th question: does anyone know of a MSX-site that has anything related
> to MSX-hardware (schematics etc.)

Laurens Holst   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote diz:

> I think it might be a good idea if someone started some kind of
> schematics-page where you an find all different kinds of schematics 
> varying ffrom 7MHz-print to SIMM-memory-prints...
> It would be very useful to have these all at one place
> (and translated into english!)

At least something like it exists !!
Current contents of my MSX Tech Doc page:

-MSX Super Turbo circuit
-256K sampleRAM for MSX-Audio
-pointers to datasheets of various MSX parts
-links to several other hardware-related sites (not per se MSX-only)

The time I spend on adding own data to my site is very limited, but I 
wouldn't mind if my pages become a nr.1 spot for circuit diagrams and 
So if you have hardware schematics, datasheets of MSX parts etc. (in 
electronic form !!), I'll be happy to put those on my pages.

BTW. many of such projects have already been published or released 
earlier (7 MHz, MK megamapper, slotexpander, 2+ expansion etc.)


Alwin Henseler              ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

maintainer of the MSX Tech Doc page

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