>>>It's true.
>>>If only Trunks had done the TCP-IP protocol....
>>>By the way, it's true that he don't continue with this protocol? I mean to
>>>a conversation between Trunks and Mr Culla in R34.MSX.
>>Well I don't know. But since I heard nothing about it anymore I decided to
>>make Internet for MSX myself. At the moment I'm programming the
>>PPP>IP>TCP>FTP-protocol, and when I've finished FTP I'll make SMTP/POP3 and
>>IRC too...

        Laurens, Trunks isn't developing 'cause he needed to go to the Spanish Army... 
Well, you can get all the things he had put into his homepage.
        You can send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Giovanni Nunes), he was 
helping Trunks with the 'i' project.


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