
I already mentioned a few times I'm in Japan for a year now. This week 
we went on 'excursion' to Kyoto. From there I went to Osaka twice. There 
are two shops in Osaka selling second-hand MSX-games; I bought there 
already a few times some nice games. The first of the two times I came 
here during the Kyoto-trip, I was very surprised to find Snatcher and 
Space Manbow being sold. Ofcourse, I bought these two thingies. At the 
same time, I bought King's Valley 2 MSX2-version (El-Giza no fuuin, or, 
The Seal of El Giza). Then I was out of money (in Japan, too, Snatcher 
and Space Manbow aren't cheap) so I decided to return there after a few 
days. The second time I bought some other games (e.g. Valis 2 for 
Robert) and I was very surprised to find ANOTHER original Snatcher ! As 
I know (as everyone knows) many people are looking for an original 
Snatcher, I decided to buy it and then sell it again. That's why I write 
this message... Everyone who would like to buy this Snatcher can do an 
offer. Ofcourse I will sell it for the highest price. Also people that 
are not on the mailinlist know I have a Snatcher, so they will also do 
offers. There's a little minor detail; the side/inside of the box is a 
little damaged, but for the rest its state is OK !

Rieks WT
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