Stefano Fronteddu wrote:
> I know that for a lot of you this is a stupid question, but I need an
> answer.
> I've already visited MSX FAQ ... C on funet is ASCII C ? If not where can I
> find this language ? I need it to study it, I've downloaded a good manual,
> but I can't start without the language.
> Thanks to all,
>   Stefano

If you want to learn C ASCII-C is a bad place to start.
ASCII-C is a subset of C. And the libraries aren't that compatible with
most common pc c-compilers. It doens't support floating point, bit
structures, prototyping and many other thing found in a normal modern
c-compiler. Function definitions work on the old 'Kernighan and Ritchie'
way which means that instead of:

int func(int a, int b)

you get

int func(a,b)
int a,b;

And this is not so common nowadays.

If you discard all above the only advantage to ASCII-C is that it is
partly dos 2.20 compatible and produces the fastest code of all
c-compilers on msx (e.g. it doesn't rely heavily on the use of index
registers, it uses the sp instead).

If you want to learn clean c and you really want to do it on msx
use hisoft-c or hi-tech c instead. They are much more compatible and
portible with what's out there (although the code they produce is crap!)


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  • C Stefano Fronteddu

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