At 09:56 25/03/99 +0900, you wrote:
>>         You can find a nice list of new projects in Joon-Sun Kim's
> I'm sorry. This site is closed in a while. Because I'm very busy...
>I will open it again April 1st.


> And also I'm very sorry to all of you waiting for the Jun Soft and
>East Sea Products. I cannot even touch my pretty MSX...
>All my works for MSX will be continued on April.

        That MIDI player was very nice!

>* By the way, my name is Jun Sung Kim...

        Sorry, but I couldn't remember right your name.
  _____   _                    _  
 |  __ \ (_| ICQ UIN: 3635907 | | M. Sc. In Numerical Modelling - UFF 
 | |__) | _  ____ __ _ _ __ __| | ___ Niteroi - RJ - BR  +-----------------+
 |  _  / | |/ __// _` | '__/ _` |/ _ \                   |  Sola Scriptura |
 | | \ \ | | (__| (_| | | | (_| | (_) |                  |   Sola Gratia   |
 |_|  \_\|_|\___\\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___/  Jurczyk Pinheiro |    Sola Fide    | - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   Solo Christi  |
 MSX freak, X-Phile, Trekker, Christian, Transformers,   | Soli Deo Gloria |
 Anime (Yamato!), CuD, Gospel Rock, Comics, And hate M$! +-----------------+
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 nao perca a 1a. ExpoSALT, dias 30 e 31/1/1999:

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