As I mentioned in my previous mail, a wavetable daughterboard should be
easily useable as a sound device for MSX.
It's cheap! 
I found some more info here:

I grant this site an overall 11 on a scale from 1 to 10.
1. No graphics - Speed! This site makes me want to go back to the time every
site was browseable with LYNX...
    Besides, no need to hide a lack of information behind a curtain of
JPG's, JAVAshits.
    Where is Gopher....
2. No Crap (= no advertising)
3. Links are accurate
4. Topics are very clear
5. There is about nothing I wanted to know about electronics that I couldn't
find here.

Root of this is

There is also a section about electronic basics...
Way 2 go!


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