>>>Main advantage of the LS120: faster when reading normal floppies,
>>>ability to use 1.44MB disks on msx.
>>>Disadvantage: it is approx 4* slower than the ZIP, it is not possible to
>>>read copy-protected disks
>>Well ain't that useful. A disk is copy-protected so you can't read it.
>>huh? *** What's the damn use of such a disk??? ***
>Some copy protections use unformatted sectors and CRC errors, both of which
>you could call "sectors you can't read".
>But other copy protections use for example tracks above 80 and more sectors
>per track. If the LS120 would have a restriction that allow just 80 tracks
>to be read, some copy protected software won't run anymore. If the LS120
>has a buffer, the copy protections based on duplicate sectors with
>different contents won't run anymore. And the latter group includes Micro
>Cabin and Sunrise games, which are well worth playing in my opinion.

Well that's too bad. But why should this drive REPLACE the old one??? Rather
two drives than one is my opinion. So you can still play the old games.


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