
Collin wrote:

>Hmm you seem to be missing the point here completely. If people want to 
>MetalGearSolid right now they should just buy a Playstation. It's nice to
>know that there is a good emulator for the PC, but we were talking about
>games that could be improved because the PC can (with the right hardware
>installed) provide much better graphics than the current Playstation.

I believe the PlayStation 2 will be released here in Japan at the end of 
year, and in Europe somewhere in 2000. Actually, I haven't seen much of it
yet, but I heard that this new console could do some quite nice things... A
friend of mine told me something about game graphics (3D/polygon) having
the same quality as some movies inserted now in PSX-games. If this is true,
there is totally no need for reproducing games on PC to get better display
quality. On the other hand, I guess it's nice for the PC game-freaks finally
being able to play some good games with things like MUSIC and a STORYLINE.
Hehe... Sorry for me being a little bit sarcastic about that ;-) LBA 2 was a
nice game, after all... And I also enjoyed Under a killing moon, a long time 
Oh, and at the moment, there's also Ys Eternal... But those are... three 
Hehehe... Oh, ofcourse, 'Heroes of might and magic 2' is also very nice...


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