>         Anybody knows how can I read/write sectors of HD/ZIP with
> MegaSCSI and Sunrise IDE?
>         No, I'm not using DOS2 or BASIC. I'm not using BDOS.
>         I'm talking about direct access. Like using 4010h of DiskROM for
> reading/writing disk sectors (yeah, it's insane). Any entry in MegaSCSI
> ROM and IDE BIOS for doing it?


Yes, the idea is indeed insane..... Why don't you use BDOS commands for

LD C,$02F      ; (Read Sector, C=$030 -> Write Sector)
LD DE,SECTOR   ; 1st sector
LD L,DRIVE     ; (0=A, 1=B, etc.)
LD H,NUMSEC    ; Number of sectors to read
CALL BDOS      ; ($0005 or $F37D if I remember it well)

Results: A = errorcode (A=0 -> no error)

(I think you already knew this, but ok).

Ok, there are indeed routines within the firmware of the SCSI interfaces
to directly access the drive, and indeed... you can do a few more things
with those.....
A tip: try to disassemble the various FDISK programs for the interfaces.
They can give you valuable information.

Btw: Address $4010 in the BIOS is equal to $0144 in the BIOS. If I
remember it well, it looks like this:

0144:   JP addr

addr:   RST #30
        DB slot
        DW $4010

(it's over 1.5 years since I actually used my MSX-Turbo R..... it's
broken (FDD... yes, still broken)).

Ok, good luck...

Happy disassing!

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