MkII wrote:
> >> If that super-resolution, render and 3D moving WERE REALISTIC ENOUGH and
> >> their programmers HAD A BARE MINIMUM TALENT perhaps it would be a little
> >> fun. IMO the videogames we see nowadays (specially in the PC side) are
> >> little more than poorly finished overproduced aberrations.
> >
> >one question.....can you do it better?.... i thought so....
> I must confess I *CANNOT* do it better because I don't like this kind of
> games and never developed skills for creating them.

you cannot judge people for not doing something that you could have done
decided not to do because you're not interested...
> Also, IMO the hardware is not powerful AND suitable enough for a convenient
> realism, despite the artists' talent and efforts.

like that is the problem..... like we never belived that pixels are
heroes ..
btw i think it's good that the focus is on technology for now because i
want to play
realistic games in the future ... nexter gen!.... 

> There are talented artists, but they seem NOT MUCH INVOLVED IN PC GAMES 8:D

yeah.... pc games industry sucks..... but it's still a platform coming
of age ...
there are new areas of gaming to be explored and, belive me, is some
time even
developers will be comfortable enough with it to code nice things...

> And I know what I'm saying. Try to trace any 8/16-bit era genius and look
> what he/she's involved in.
> When it comes to original whereabouts my favourite is Costa Panayi's
> (Spectrum).
> Working as a toy designer for Chicco (!) 8:D

didn't know about that... but it makes sense... the problem is that
games have 
gotten too damn complicated..... no more good old days, even in 2D, so
all the
friendly, nontechnical gamedesigners have left ..... i thought it was a
that Hideo (MetalGear) did a game for PSX!.... so he must be one of the

> Kiss you lot.
> Madonna Mark Two
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