Only for complementation of Nestor's MegaSCSI Info...

I made a simple translation from the original manual of MegaSCSI.
But I don't know if it works.
My comments is between "[" and "]", Ok?

Direct Acess Function

Before use a Direct Acess Function you must do a "SPC register bank
mapping" [really I don't know what its mean yet] othewise it may not


BUS RESET (Function #C1)
Input : none
Output: none
Descr.: Do a SCSI BUS RESET and Initialize SPC.


SELECTION (function #C8)
Input : C=SCSI target (#01,#02,#04,#08,#10,#20,#40,#80)
Output: Cy=1 if error
        A = error code if Cy=1
        A = Next bus phase if Cy=0
Descr.: On bus SCSI execute a "Arbitration-Selection phase".
        During use of SCSI bus, in case of a lost arbitration a
"arbitration error" (error code 12) is returned, in case of a try
execute a Target Selection and get a Selection Timeout a "Not ready"
(error code 2) is returned.
        In case of Selection phase terminate without errors, A register return
the next bus phase to be done. It is equal to SPC's PSNS register.

bit7  REQ (request)
bit6  ACK (acknowledge)
bit5  ATN (attention)
bit4  SEL (select)
bit3  BSY (busy)
bit2  MSG (message)
bit1  C/D (control/data)
bit0  I/O (input/output)

0xxx  Bus free
1000  Data out
1001  Data in
1010  Command
1011  Status
1110  Message out
1111  Message in


DISCONNECT (function #C9)
Input : none
Output: none
Descr.: Wait Target to set free the SCSI bus.
        On SCSI bus, after all transation terminated ever execute a


SET ATTENTION (function #CA)
Input : none
Output: none
Descr.: Make "asaato" [this is a english word written with katakana, but
I can't identifie the original word, Soriano, do you know this word?] of
        When after SET ATTENTION executing SELECTION (function #C8) and
SELECTION is teminated with sucess, the SCSI bus change to "message out"


Input : none
Output: none
Descr.: Make "negeeto" [this is a english word written with katakana,
but I can't identifie the original word] of SCSI bus ATN.
        After execute SET ATTENTION (function #CA) when has no necessity
of this, ever execute a RESET ATTENTION.


Input : BC = number of bytes to be transferred (0 mean 65536)
        D.2-0 = bus phase
        HL = transfer data adress
Output: A = next bus phase
        BC = number of byte that cannot be transferred.
Descr.: On SCSI bus, execute a tranfer phase.
        "deeta tensou houkou wa jikkou-suru BUS PHASE ni yotte
jidou-teki ni kettei-saremasu." [I'm unable to translate it in anyway,
if any one know what its mean....]
        Is not possible to put data in page 1.


Input : BC =bytes per sector
        E = number of sectors to be transferred (0 mean 256)
        D.2-0 = bus phase
        HL = transfer data adress
Output: Cy=1 if error
        A = error code if Cy=1
        A = next bus phase if Cy=0
        E = number of sectors that cannot be transferred.
Descr.: "deeta tensou houkou wa jikkou-suru BUS PHASE ni yotte
jidou-teki ni kettei-saremasu."
        Is not possible to put data in page 1.
        In hard transfer mode, due to transfer data timming check is not
executed and due to other things [which I didn't understood], It can
transfer data faster than Manual transferring (function #CC).
        During data tranferring, if a parity error occurs in SCSI bus, a "Data
transfer error" (error code 4) is returned.


DSKIO (#4010)
Input : Cy=0 read
        Cy=1 write
        C.7=0 ?
        C.7=1 ?
        A=DOS partition number (0-7)
        B=number of sectors (0 mean 256)
        C=media ID if C.7=1
        C.6-0=first sector number (bit22-bit16 if C.7=0)
        DE=first sector number (bit15-bit0)
        HL=transfer data adress
Output: Cy=1 if error
        A = error code if Cy=1
        B = number of sector that was not read.


I don't understand japanese very well and I don't english very well too
(I speak Portuguese), but I made my best to translate some parts of
MegaSCSI's japanese manual losting half of my weekend. Unfortunately I
can't guarantee that this translation is 100% free of error. I hope
giving this first step anyone which know japanese better than me make a
correction of this text and write a more detailed document.

Best Regards

Alex Mitsio Sato

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