Hello, MSXers from all over the world.

        I would like to present you a new operating system for MSX. It's
called UZIX.
        What is UZIX? 
        UZIX is a UNIX implementation for MSX.
        UZIX is based on UZI written by Douglas Braun and ported to PC
and MSX by Archi Schekochikhin and me, Adriano C. R. da Cunha. 
        UZIX  implements almost all 7th Edition AT&T UNIX kernel
functionality. UZIX's code was based on public domain Doug Braun's UZI, which
was written from scratch, and contains no AT&T code, so it is not subject
to any of AT&T's copyright or licensing restrictions. 
        UZIX implements almost all of the 7th Edition functionality. All file
I/O, directories, mountable file systems, user and group IDs, pipes, and
applicable  device I/O are supported. The number of processes is  limited
only by the swap space available, with a maximum of 31 processes (total of
1024k memory). UZIX implements UNIX well enough to run the Bourne Shell in
its full functionality, although it has not been ported.
        UZIX is still in development, but there is already a running
version, that includes a shell and many utilities. Although it's still a
beta, it took much effort and time to be made.
        You can find more information and download a working version in
this page:


        Doubts, questions and bug reports to me, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        I hope you like UZIX.


Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha               ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP
http://www.adrpage.cjb.net                       MSX-TR:I have one.And you?

* 5 minutes ago, this moment was in the future. *

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