At 08:44 PM 7/19/99 +0200, you wrote:

>> I'm not sure turbo R compatibility would be a good thing. You would need
>> an
>> R800-compatible processor for example, and as far as I know Z380 isn't.
>??? ISN'T IT ???

I looked up the opcodes for some of the R800 instructions and the Z380 has
different instructions mapped to those opcodes.

>Well, then maybe we can disassemble and adapt turboR-programs. I mean, the
>only non-Z380 compatible instructions are MULUW and MULUB, aren't they???
>The other ones also work on a Z80 (though undocumented).

It was some time ago, I don't remember how much instructions are different
for Z80 and R800.
But it may be the case that Z380 doesn't supports all of the undocumented
Z80 instructions.
Anyway, those things can be looked up.

>I bet the Z380 has a good counterpart for MULUW and MULUB...

It has multiplication instructions, but I don't know if they're exactly the

>So that shouldn't be too
>difficult. Just search for the opcode and replace it.

Easier said than done. How can you tell apart an opcode from a sequence of
data bytes? Example: a byte with contents #3E, does it mean "LD A,n" or
does it mean the number 62?
Maybe an adapted emulator could report all addresses of executed R800

>Maybe then I can finally play Illusion City! To play Illusion City, is MIDI
>nessacary? And is the PCM device nessacary??? What other points of
>incompatibility could it have???

Turbo R ST doesn't have MIDI, only GT has. So I guess Illusion City can do
I'm not sure if it uses PCM, I played for only a little while.

>Well, actually I think a 'new' MSX should also have a PCM sampling device,
>so why not take the tuboR's sampleunit?

I'm not particularly font of the way the turbo R's PCM works. Although it's
simple in hardware, it's not simple to use. I prefer a PCM device that uses
buffering. For example the way MSX-AUDIO handles ADPCM is nice, it plays
from sample RAM and can generate an interrupt when it's done playing.

>> The bad thing of a new list is that many people won't subscribe to it,
>> although they may have interesting ideas. Maybe we can use this list and
>> put "[Phoenix]" in the subject?
>Yes, yes. They do that in the int-fiction newsgroup too!!!
>Only one thing: A lot of people are subscribed to the newsgroup but not to
>this list (I can understand that, sometimes the message-flow is a bit much
>here, while you can skip them in a newsgroup. Although the subjects are way
>more interesting here...). So I think we should find a solution to that...

It's possible with some mail programs to post on both. Manuel does it all
the time. But ofcourse not everyone uses an integrated news and mail reader.

Actually, do you think there are people on the newsgroup that are not on
this list and want to participate in the Phoenix discussion? Most newsgroup
people are either interested in emulators or in chatting.
And if there are interested people, they can simply subscribe to this list.
With all the web-based free e-mail sites, it should be no problem for
someone with net access to aquire an e-mail address. And anyone with a
little advanced mail program can filter messages, to separate this list
from personal e-mail, or even separate Phoenix messages from the regular
list traffic.

>Will a web-based forum work???

No, I can tell from experience it doesn't work...

>Although... I don't think it
>will be visited really frequently, like a mailinglist, which you are forced
>to pay attention to.

...And that's the reason why.

>Maybe someone should put all or the important messages
>concerning Phoenix (so with [Phoenix] in the subject-line) online on the
>Phoenix webpage, or something like that...

We could make an archive of all messages and put it on the Phoenix site.
Does Sean still do this for all messages on this list?
And maybe someone can regularly (once a week?) make a summary of the
discussions. Those summaries would be posted on a separate section of the

>It's not about bookmarking I think. you should be able to remember it, to
>tell about it to others...

OK, mailing the URL is one extra step, which might be problematic if more
people have such a poor memory as I have.


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