> >>   You said that a routine to display sprites work under BASIC and not
> >>DOS because DOS uses the upper memory for itself. So, I thought this is
> >>strange.
> >> I DON'T think VDP needs RAM info to display sprites. (-:
> >Oh, no. I wan't talking about that. I said that if a program works in
> >environment but not in Dos environment that the memorymapper is the most
> >common problem Dos2 uses the memorymapper's highest segments for its
> >so if the program corrupts this part then in Basic it will still work but
> >Dos2-environment not anymore.
> >I had no idea you were talking about a spriteroutine or so...
>   The routine is perfect. It just doesn't work under DOS (neither in
> and works great under Basic.

Well okay send it to me and I'll make it work.

> >But I think something went wrong with the conversion or so. Changed
> >adresses (Dos starts at #100, Basic commonly at #9000), different mapped
> >pages (ROM/RAM), this kind of stuff.
>   You do not understand. There is no real problem. It's just something
> Something that DOS do that Basic do not.

Hmmm... I bet it isn't.

> >Hehe... Well project "i" is a multitasking internet environment with Dos
> >emulation... (it can still run PMEXT etc as long as they use BDOS calls
> >screen updates etc).
>   AFAIK, Adriano is working (and there is a preliminary version on 1.1.3
of UZIX)
> BDOSEMU, that do exactly this task, but runs a DOS program under UZIX.
> The only limit is that the program cannot use more than the first 32Kb

Which IS a limit... Never heard of memorymapping??? Well, ofcourse. It's
programmed in C, isn't it?

> >>   I agree that is not needed, but it would be useful! (-:
> >But it doesn't make memorymanagement harder to program I think...
>   Maybe yes, Maybe not. The only change would be that you would receive
> a Process ID. And you'll have to kill this ID when exiting the program...

Well sorry but I think it really has no use in a non-multitasking

> >>   Oh, THESE are the routines that are taking my RAM away?!?!
> >(((((((((((((((-:
> >No. In Dos2 environment you have more RAM available in the direct
> >RAM because the drive-info blocks are all moved to Dos2's datasegment.
> >Ofcourse you have 2 free mapperpages less though.
>   It's strange. I'm trying to create a utility to change BDOS2->BDOS1
on-the-fly (without
> reset), but there is some strange problem. The first strange fact is that
I really
> need to copy a LARGE amount of sys vars to DISK so it works, and when it
> some really strange problems are shown.
>   On the last version I worked on, the program actualy switched
> loading MSXDOS.SYS and COMMAND.COM after setting the proper system vars.
> The SysID detects the version of BDOS as 1.0 after the program runs, BUT
> strange things happen. When I exec a DIR on BDOS1 (after change),
> only a few names of the directory are shown. Some times, NO names are
> Some times ALL names are shown... And If I exec a TYPE command, the system
> hangs... It's weird. But when I was trying this I have not BrMSX2.0... Now
I'll try it again.

Err... do you simply imitate the boot-routine??? (loading the MSXDOS.SYS at
If so, it really should work.

Ofcourse, before doing this you should first delete the MSXDOS2.SYS
patches... (MSXDOS2.SYS hooks #F3FD and patches most routines...) (so you've
got to 'unhook'...)

> >>   This is not very good. In this case you should be unhappy to be
> >Snif... I'm so unhappy... I think I'm gonna commit suicide or so... my
> >has been completely ruined.
>   Hehehe... (((((-:

Hey! That's not funny!

> >>   But maybe Z280 was better. Z280 had a mode like V86 on 386... This
> >> we could open several Z80 sessions on the Z280. But this is a little
> >confuse to
> >> use.
> >Yeah, think so. But isn't the Z380 an enhanced Z280???
>   No. Z280 was an enhanced Z180. Z380 is an MORE enhanced
> Z180. There is a lot of things that were present on Z280 that
> are missing on Z380. And, of course, there is a lot of things present
> on Z380 that were missing on Z280.

Too bad...


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