> I can't read everything, but it says something
> about an action RPG in the game-related exhi-
> bition (maybe a final product, but this part
> isn't that clear), supporting all-directional
> scroll, translucency effects and some BASIC
> extension allowing 4 simultaneous players. My
> guess is that all of these features are in this
> BASIC extension, or this RPG was written in

Hmmm... Nice...
Would like to know more about that (anyone???)...

By the way, I am working on a 4-directional smooth-scrolling RPG engine...
Not much progress though (I'm lazy) (official excuse: spend too much time on
the Mailinglist).

But it works nice. And I have made up a solution for the VDP r#18 vs.
COPY-problem... I just disable the statusbar at the bottom when scrolling
(when not scrolling anymore it nicely scrolls into the screen from below)

> > PC Watch (Impress) said:
> >
> >
> > ,BSCSI<@S,',,Zip,MO,fhf?fCfo,,,,SJ",,,,,
> >
> > ,"<,,fJ[fgfSfbfWBfXfCfX,SJ",,,,,,,,,"
> This says something like "[it] has RAM expansion,
> high-speed RS-232C, SCSI and GFX9000 cartridge
> inserted in its expansion slots. A PHS may be
> connected to the RS-232C, and scanner, HDD and
> CD-ROM may be connected to the SCSI interface,
> which may have developed drivers supporting Zip
> and MO." The last part is more difficult for me
> to understand, but says something like "This is
> the first computer having an internal GFX9000.
> The VDP V9990 will likely be adopted in the MSX3
> in an 'on-board cartridge', and this is said to
> be developed in Swiss".

Hmmm... interesting.

> I apologize for the very poor quality of the
> translation, but I think it makes some sense. <:)

Let's say you make more of it than I.


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