
I am guessing here that you are familiar with the Dos2 function calls since
you use its memory management. Take a look at the 'define abort exit routine
(63h)'. With this function you can define an abort routine which handles
disc errors but als ctrl-c...

Hope this helps...

Rainier Maas
> Hi,
> I've written a simple DOS2 program which does some memory management and
> loads some files ( not important really) but now i'm able to interrupt
> the program with CTRL-STOP.
> Is it possible to intercept this key combination WITHOUT making use of
> changing the intterupt routines at adres &H38. ( if i do this then ALL
> keyboard routines can be intercepted)
> I thought a 1 at adres &HFBB1 should do the trick but this doesnn't work
> !
> Thanks and greetz,
>  Antal

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