---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 11:56:51 +0900
Subject: GO-NET


 I re-send you my E-mail about GO-NET. Now, I am looking for Dutchman who
 can speak(or write) Japanese. Because GO-NET needs stuff of Dutch

 About 4000 people useing Panasonic FS-A1GT(MSXturboR) at GO-NET. IF I
 can help GO-NET, GO-NET will help us. For exsample..
  "member of GO-NET" will stop useing FS-A1GT(MSXturboR), we can buy
  cheap FS-A1GT from GO-NET. Price is about 20000Yen with postage cost!
 Here in Japan, FS-A1GT is very very expensive. Price is about 50000Yen
 or 60000Yen! But IF I can help GO-NET, GO-NET will sell us cheap
 And I will send this cheap FS-A1GT to Dutchman who workking at GO-NET
 Dutch branch. Yes, Dutch MSX Freak can buy cheap FS-A1GT!!

 Now, I need your help.
  1)Please introduce me Dutchman who speak(or write) Japanese.
  2)Would you tell me how to access of Japanese language school in
    Amsterdam? Telephone number?? FAX Number??? I will contact to them!

 IF you can help me, please write me E-mail!


 Kuniji Ikeda from Osaka, Nippon

 PS. Would you pass my this message to your friend?
 PPS. We will visit to Tilburg fair!

< 29/30     January 2000........ MSXRio 2000                    >
< 15        April   2000........ MSX & PC Fair(Tilburg fair)    >
< 4         May     2000........ MSX EVENT in Osaka             >
< MSX Fair-list  http://www.msx4ever.demon.nl/fair.htm          >
< Photo of MSX World Expo'99                                    >
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