> I've got a problem which is much alike.
> I replaced the accu, but they didn't have one alike so I got an 1.2V accu
> and a 2.4V accu to replace it. I did it, and now it remembers the screen
> settings, however, the clock is still confused...

No solution yet. I've bought a new crystal which I'll solder in this
weekend. Althought I don't think that's the problem, but who knows...

> Not that it is really a big problem (the screensettings were the worst)

I think it IS a big problem since:
1. The MAKEFILE utility for C will not function properly unless the source
files are saved with the correct date and time;
2. Keeping track of versions of a file is difficult enough as it is, even
when you do have the correct save date and time.
3. Some programs use the clock as a timer (since JIFFY can change from 50 to
60 Hz and it is impractical for timing minutes or hours).


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