Heya folks

First of all, Tilburg _was_ nice. Got myself a ATA-IDE + RS232C
interface from Sunrise and loving it! Also bought a semi-broken
Sony HB-F700P so I'll have things to do the next couple of
weekends :)
But it got me wondering... Isn't it possible to make a new MSX?
One with parts not so hard to come by so it would be easier to
fix? If Sunrise can make an IDE interface, why won't we make a
board which will fit in a PC case, has a PC style keyboard and
uses a 'regular' FDD? (paying 35Euro (Fl.75,-) for a modified
PC-XT FDD, seems a bit much to me)
It would be so much smarter and cheaper to use parts easier to
come by and I think would help keep MSX alive a bit longer :)
I'd love to help, but can't do it by myself, since I don't have
the electronics background needed for this project.
So if there's anybody else out there who thinks this dream of
mine isn't as stupid as it might seem to others, help me out



ps: I also missed the monitor sales. Didn't find 1 good monitor
   with RGB or SCART connector! :(

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