> The PA3 engine does not scroll. Therefor, you have got quite some time
> to do things like this. However, when using a scrolling engine or even
> worse: a smooth scrolling engine, it is a better idea to combine this with
> the 'trigger' phenomenon, that way those checks are only done if they are
> really nessecary.

My point exactly. this is one of the reasons why the PA3 engine can never be
changed into a scrolling engine.

> Also, imho, it is a more structured way of handling things (when you
> it with a lookup-table). I don't like long series of IF-THENs...

I meant the IF...THEN as a simple example. Of course we use data tables to
define long rows of data. Only one IF THEN is necessary when you loop it
through a table of 1000 possible occurences.

> ~Grauw
> --
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