On Sun, 6 Aug 2000, The MSX Files wrote:

>     We feel that there is still a lot of milage in the Z80. People have
> experience of
>  using it and their are many software tools about that support software
> developement for it.
>     Our processor builds on the Z80 tradition. We estimate it to be between
> 15 and 20  times faster than the original Z80 when clocked at the same speed.
>     If you're a Z80 freak and interested in the VLP80, check out their home
> page (http://www.cyber-labo.co.jp/vmodel_en.html)"
> Am I wrong or this is really a reason to celebrate?

This is good news, indeed. It is also interesting companies having so much
interest in Z80 nowadays. 8 bits are back! :)


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