-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: B. Wijnen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Datum: woensdag 27 september 2000 13:44
Onderwerp: Re: hardware question


>Are you actually talking about analog MSX mice? I don't know about their
>existance (and I can't think of how they could be implemented, given the
>MSX hardware). So I shall stick to the digital MSX mice.

I'm not sure about this, but I think he wants to emulate a digital MSX mouse
through an analoge connection?

>The mouse is always in one of 4 states, which are degenerate in pairs
>(undistinguishable, or at least allmost). The mouse has 4 bytes of
>internal memory, 2 of which keep the X and Y movement since the last
>readout and 2 which are needed for output buffering.
>When the mouse is in state 0, the strobe is 0. This is the state it should
>be in when interrupts are enabled, and the mouse is not currently read
>Flipping the strobe to 1 sets the mouse in state 1. This causes the 2
>bytes of memory to be copied into the output buffers. After a little time,
>the low nibble of the X movement can be read out on pins 1-4 (up, down,
>left, right).
>Flipping the strobe back to 0 sets the mouse in state 2. This state is
>degenerate with state 0, because the MSX can only see the state of the
>strobe. While being in state 2, the pins 1-4 contain the high nibble of
>the X movement.
>The same thing can be done twice more. Flipping the strobe sets the mouse
>to state 3 and the pins 1-4 to the low Y movement nibble. Flipping it
>again returns the mouse in state 0 and leaves the pins 1-4 to the high Y
>nibble movement.
>A nibble is put on the pins 1-4 with MSb on pin 4 and LSb on pin 1, so it
>is in the correct order when read out by the MSX.
>I hope this helped you. If I didn't answer the question you meant to be
>asking, please rephrase it and I'll try again.

Thanks for this info! I'll forward this message to Padial. If he did mean
something else then I'll ask you again privatly, ok?



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