According to Portar.txt bit 6 of PSG register 14 is "On japanese machines only".
It's not the KANA led, that's bit 7 of PSG register 15. Does anyone know what
that bit does? The MSX redbook doesn't say anything. The dutch "MSX Handboek
for gevorderden" says the same as Portar.txt. Does anyone know what it is?
Do Japanese MSX computers have an extra key? (The KANA key seems to be the
same as the CODE key on international MSXes).


Extract from Portar.txt:

14= I/O port A (Joystick and cassette)
        bit   Expl.
        0 = Joystick UP                 (0=Moved, 1=Not moved)
        1 = Joystick DOWN               (0=Moved, 1=Not moved)
        2 = Joystick LEFT               (0=Moved, 1=Not moved)
        3 = Joystick RIGHT              (0=Moved, 1=Not moved)
        4 = Joystick trigger A
        5 = Joystick trigger B
        6 = Keyboard mode               (On japanese machines only)
        7 = Cassette input

15= I/O port B (Joystick select)
        bit   Expl.
        0 =   1         (Used as handshaking output if touchpad)
        1 =   1         (Used as handshaking output if touchpad)
        2 =   1         (Used as handshaking output if touchpad)
        3 =   1         (Used as handshaking output if touchpad)
        4 =   Pulse 1   (Positive pulse starting a monostable timer)
        5 =   Pulse 2   (Positive pulse starting a monostable timer)
        6 =   Joystick select           (0=Connector 1, 1=Connector 2)
        7 =   Kana LED (Keyboard mode indicator. On japanese machines only)

For info, see

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