On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 02:38:47AM +0900, Takamichi Suzukawa wrote:
> I was trying to write some article on Captain Multi Station MSX2.
> I wanted to know whether the RAM size is 64KB or 128KB, since before 1987,
> Japanese MSX2s with 128KB were also being released.
> However, CMS isn't equipped with disk drive. So I must type something by
> myself to check RAM size.
> Does anyone know simplest of simple methods to know RAM size?

If you type:

OUT (255),4

And the machine does NOT crash, it has 64kb. If it did crash, it has more. Try:

OUT (255),8

If that didn't crash the machine, it has 128kb. 

Another possibility is that the machine doesn't have mappers, in which case it
has 64kb ram. Try:

OUT (255),1

If that didn't crash it, it has 64kb unmapped RAM.


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