>No, wrong.
>Look at the dreaded date field. Almost every vendor as a different way of
>specifying how to insert date into it's DB system.  this means that
>import/export script generating is DB dependend. Besides talking about dates,
>if an american writes 2/1/2001 he means the first of februarie, an european
>thinks it is second januarie 2001, and a japanese program will complain
>because it thinks it is year two month februarie day 2001. Need we to
>specifie a date format for the MSX game format ??

  I think the "standard" format (which is DD/MM/YYYY) will be better. I think
this is the most used format in the world. (^=
  Anyway, you can edit information so it's displayed in three different fields:
Day, Month and Year. So there is no confusion anymore.

   -----     AbraçOS/2, Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 /| | | |\
 \| ___ |/   OS/2:     http://www.quasarbbs.com/daniel/
\/ ----- \/  MSX:      http://www.fudeba.cjb.net/
    | |      Drawings: http://www.djgallery.tsx.org/
   -- --     ...Programming to solve the mistery of life!

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